Daren Lee Barnett – Pastor
Hello, my name is Daren, I am the pastor here at Foundations Bible Church. Thanks for taking the time to visit us here on our website. Most people like to know a little bit about the pastor and their background. I grew up in the country just outside the small rural town of Cambridge Springs, PA. I am married (to an extraordinary woman named Cameron that is a great support and encouragement to me in ministry – plus a very bold and faithful Christian). We have 4 children together; our oldest son Brayden serves in the USMC (OORAH!!), our next born son Gavin is on our praise team and works fulltime for Wakefield Pork, then there is our daughter Jaden who has strong faith and works for a local farmer, JPR, from the congregation, and finally our youngest son Noah, who works for the local hardware, Roerig’s, he loves fishing, shooting and archery. We homeschool Jaden and Noah.
I was called out of my vocation at Lord Corporation as a Senior Test Technician for aerospace, industrial, and military applications into ministry, serving the LORD Jesus and the Gospel. I have been in church leadership for approximately 20 years: in youth ministry, as interim pastor and pulpit supply preacher, as a deacon, a trustee, program administrator for the Christian education and discipleship board, denominational association president, 5 of these years as the full-time assistant pastor and 5 of these as the sole pastor of here. I received the call to move to Winnebago, MN in the spring of 2016. In August of that year I accepted the call and assumed the role of the pastor. We have navigated the last 5 years together to become an independent non-denominational congregation that simply follows Jesus and His Word. Our mission under the Great Commission is to “Prepare People for Wholeness in Jesus Through the Word of God”.
As for my preparation for ministry and preaching Biblical sermons, I attended Lancaster Bible College, ACTS (Academy of Christian Training and Service) and Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary. It is of deep importance to me to preach and teach through Spirit Led messages, the Gospel of Christ, the Whole Counsel of Scripture, Christian Living, Biblically Based Doctrines (teachings), End Times Prophecy, and Stand for Truth until Jesus Comes Back for us… readying the remnant for the rapture.
I believe there is no room for mediocrity as we follow Jesus Christ – the Messiah. We are called for living out the Gospel and truth in “such a time as this”; Christian’s are facing the spiritual battle of the end of the age, in a hostile culture that is eroding the very fabric of society, both in America in the rest of the world. Many say things are falling apart; but, really God has them falling into place. Thanks again for taking time to check out our website, and I certainly hope you will come join us. Know you are being prayed for before we ever meet.
Remember, because of Jesus’ grace – God loves you and so do I
Spiritual Ministry Team Members
Ronda Cooper (Chairman)
Sharon Fowler
LaNay Hervey 
Ann Krause
Makayla Nepp
Michael Jenkins
Mitch Jenkins
Stewardship Team Members
Andrew Krause 
Cari Jenkins 
Tyler Morrison (Chairman)
Carolyn Nienhaus (Treasurer) 
Nancy Jones (Financial Secretary) 
CED Team (Christian Education & Discipleship)
Daren Barnett
Ronda Cooper
Debbie Herrmann
Cari Jenkins
Makayla Nepp
Servant Leadership Team
A collaboration of all FBC officers and committee members. 
Church Moderator
Dave Krause