The Truth By Ronda Cooper, Spiritual Ministry Team Member

The Truth may bind you to a tree

The Truth will always set you free

The Truth found wrapped in swaddling clothes

Having come to a world full of trouble, filled with sorrow and woes


A heart that is willing will follow: regardless the cost

A heart wounded and broken will wander; it’s lost

The power, the strength, all healing – comes from above

The cost of salvation: a price, paid out of love


Today as you ponder the stable scene that night

“Fear not” says the child; “I am with you, fight the good fight”

Light has come into the world, for all men to see

From it darkness must scurry, it must in the presence of righteousness – flee


The dark has not understood it

And has cleverly tried to use wit

Disguising, deceiving – being driven by blind grit

Alas, those who embrace it; will with it enter the pit


The truth – Christ the Savior, the Redeemer was given a call

He would cause some to stumble and others to fall

Their cause, they will not loosen: don’t good people always win

But stubbornness, lust – pride – greed covers them in the remnants of sin


Stature will pass as this world withers away

No excuses, no lies, no pleading will sway

There is a judge who is coming; – very soon, any day

And the world will take notice of what he will say


The truth can bind you to a tree

The truth when spoken can set men free

The truth in the light will help blind men to see

The Truth born in a stable – He came for you, and for me


As darkness sets and the light rises and shines

An opportunity arises for a renewing of your heart and mind

Be reminded all peoples bedazzled by things of the night

That when morning comes, with it comes first light


Look upon the face that came to be near

To lead you, to guide you to free you from fear

To Him you are priceless; by His heart it is clear

You are a treasure, one He holds dear


I cannot fully proclaim who he is or of his love

But I will gladly tell you: grace and mercy come from above

There is none other like him, He himself: is Love

The Truth – He will bind you to heaven above

Turn your eyes towards the tree, to the flight of God’s dove


To Him and by Him power given to rule

Oh, you may to yourself, but to Him never fool

Is your eye on the starling or does it rest on the dove

He is the Way, He is the Truth, and the Life: His only!  Is True Love!



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